Taxi Drivers to Bring London to a Standstill?

You couldn’t pay for a better promotion then this!

Uber (who Google put $258M into, their largest deal ever) is a company who is beating Cabs because the traditional cab experience is terrible and everyone hates cabs.

Of course one might wonder if Google is looking towards the future and towards their new drive-less cars?

This is just like I, Robot!

Cab drivers are in trouble and are refusing to compete against a superior product!

But while their striking in realty all they are doing is pushing people towards Uber.  Uber’s sign-ups soared by 850 percent as cab drivers protested!

At the moment London and the people who live in London win.  Their is now more competition and your money stays in London no matter who you chose to ride with.

But what about in the future?

What happens if they decide to start using driver-less cars?

Then there is no reason for the money to stay in London, it will go to the U.S.  And getting rid of the driver will allow you to really drop the rates for a taxi.

But then the taxi driver will have to go to the unemployment line and all the stores that benefit from his business will no longer benefit and all the companies that benefit from the business done by the businesses that benefited from the taxi drivers will also lose out.

Of course Google will get bigger and more powerful and for those who can still afford a taxi ride it will be a lot cheaper.

But what will Google invent next?

Could they make us obsolete as well?